

Jerk off

2014年06月22日 05:40

Jerk off

To jerkoff, tojackoff, towhackoff,to beatoff, to crank on out, to
thrash, to choke the (Chinese)chicken, topinch the one-eyed snake, to
slap the salami, tospank thedolphin, toflog thedolphin, topull the
pork, topolish one'sgun, to shine the silver,to beat thebishop, to
smacklittle johnny behindhis German helmet andpurple bulbous ear, to do
thefive knuckleshuffle, tomakelove with oneself,to beat around the
bush, toflick the sausage, topunch thepurpleninja, to juice the snake,
to peel thebanana, tomilk the cow, tosqueeze thepurple-headed
yogurt-slinger, toslap the monkey, totame thedragon, to play pocket
pool, to go bowling by oneself, to hit a homerun in the homefield, and yet,
tostrike out, towhittle the woodblock, to shimmy up and down thepole of
love, to initiate the Saturn V, to turn on the sprinklers, to turn on one's
lovehose, topunch the clown in the nose, to tweek the deek, to hit the
dick, to tallywhack, tosoil the Kleenex, tosmother the hanky, and I'm
sure I'm forgetting a few.Mostguys should knowwhat I'm talking about.





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