


2014年06月12日 00:40


Arnold Schwarzeneggerhas abig one, Michael J. Foxhas asmall one,
Madonnadoesn'thave one, The Popehas one butdoesn't use it, Dominique
Strauss-Khan useshis allthe time. What is it? Alastname! Andshame on
you for thinking it wassomething else.

Various, 101 Dirty Jokes -sexual and adult's jokes

Like Likes: 10Alittle girl and boy are fighting about thedifferences
between thesexes, andwhichgender isbetter. Finally, the boydropshis
pants and says, "Here's something Ihave that you'll neverhave!" The
little girl isprettyupset by this, since it is clearly true, and runs
home crying. Awhile later,she comes running back with asmile on her
face. Shelifts her dress,drops her knickers, and yells, "My mommy says
that with one of these, I canhave as many of those as I want!

Various, 101 Dirty Jokes -sexual and adult's jokes

Like Likes: 10A few months afterhisparents were divorced, Little Johnny
passed byhis mom'sbedroom andsaw her rubbing her body andmoaning, "I
need a man, I need a man!" Over thenext several months, hesaw her doing
this often. One day, hecame homefromschool and heard hermoaning
differently. When he peeked into herbedroom, hesaw a man ontop of her.
Little Johnny ran intohis room, tookoffhis clothes, threwhimself onhis
bed, and startedstrokinghimself,moaning, "I need abike! I need abike!

Various, 101 Dirty Jokes -sexual and adult's jokes

Like Likes: 7





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