- 名前
- 杢兵衛
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 48歳
- 住所
- 東京
- 自己紹介
- 悠々自適、風雅な隠居生活
2014年06月21日 05:12
2.intelligent designAn attempt by theapologists forcreationism to
artificially inject their metaphysicaltheory withscientific credibility.
Intelligent designmakes the "deduction" that the development ofcomplex
life on thisplanet was anintelligentcreator, largly on the basis of
argument bypersonal incredulity, aflawed understanding of Darwinian
naturalselection andfundamental misunderstandings ofbasicprinciples of
thermodynamics and biology. Advocates claimnaturalselection/evolution
(which theyfrequently confuse) are impossible, and oftenhavelinks to
other biblical-literlists thatbelieve theearth is only 30000 yearsold,
and other such fantasies. There isreason that theevidence wouldlead any
impartialperson to come to such conclusions; it is therefore an example of
wishful thinking and by theprinciple of Occam's razon is a metaphysical
(faith)based belief, not ascientific one. Thecontinueddeliberate
obtuseness on thisissuehasled tofundamentalists attempting to force
scienceteachers topresent it in theclassroom, and thegeneral devaluing
ofscience in thepopulation of the US and other countries as a
whole.Although there is not ascrap ofevidence forintelligent design, it
is impossible to disprove (becausegod can doanything!), and hence it is a
metaphysicaltheory. Becausenaturalselection isdemonstrably observably
occuring rightnow, it is ascientifictheory.byl42emmings August 12, 2005