

Never knew

2014年06月19日 02:34

Never knew

1. The U.S. collectivelyspends$1.65 billion ontattooseach year. 2. The
word "tattoo" wasfirst written in 1769 and comesfrom the Polynesian
noun tatau,which means "markmade onskin." 3. Thefirsttattoo
machine was patented by Samuel O'Reilly in 1891,which wasbasedoff an
autographicprintingmachinepatented by Thomas Edison 15 years
earlier. 4. President Theodore Roosevelthadhis familycresttattooed on
his chest. 5. Andpresidents Jackson and Polkalso hadsmall,hidden
tattoos. 6. Forty-five million Americanshaveat least onetattoo. 7.
And 40% of U.S. adults ages 26–40have at least onetattoo. 8. Tattoos used
to bemarkings ofshame orpunishment on sailors or people deemed
uncivilized.Fox / Via fyspringfield.com9. Sailortattoos arebelieved to
havespecial meanings (for example, adragon meant aperson hadtraveled to
China). 10. King Neptune or turtletattoossignified that the sailorcrossed
theequator. 11. And some sailors had pig androostertattoos on their feet
toprevent drowning. (Neitheranimal can swim, butbecause they were stored
in buoyant crates, they werecargo that typicallysurvivedshipwreck.) 12.
Ötzi, the ancient ice man found in the Alps, was theoldestmummyever
discovered tohavetattoos. 13. And he had over 50 of them,made
bypuncturing theskin and rubbing incharcoal.14. The Greek emperor
Theophiluspunishedtwo monkswhopubliclycriticizedhim bytattooing 11
lines of obscenity on their foreheads. 15. Andsadistic Roman emperor
Caligula wouldtattoo members ofhis court forfun. 16. One of theoldest
recordedtattoo inkrecipes consists of Egyptianpinebark, corroded
bronze,vinegar, vitriol,leek juice, andinsecteggs. 17. Andearly forms
oftattoo removal included the application ofwine, garlic,lime, or pigeon
feces. 18. Samoantattoos wouldtakedays tocomplete, wouldgo on until
the pain was unbearable, and wouldput thetattooed at risk of infection
anddeath.ABC / Viamothgirlwings.tumblr.com19. Queen Kamamalu of Hawaii
was thefirstperson toever get a tonguetattoo, andshe did so out of
griefwhen hermother died in the 1820s. 20. Olive Oatman was thefirst
white woman in America tohave atattoo;she was given one after her family
was killed andshe was adopted by Mohave Indians in the 1850s. 21. The
first televised beauty pageant featured Betty Broadbent,who had over 565
tattoos. 22. 2012 was thefirst yearmore women weretattooed than men. 23.
Up until the 1970s, "nice girls" had tohavemarriage licenses andbe
accompanied by their husband to get atattoo.24. Thirty-twopercent of
people withtattoos claim they're "addicted" to ink. 25. Yourskin is
prickedbetween 50 to 3,000times a minutewhen getting atattoo. 26. Due
to an outbreak ofhepatitis B, it wasillegal to get atattoo in New
Yorkfrom 1961 to 1997. 27. And until 2006, it wasillegal to get atattoo
in Oklahoma.





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