


2014年08月14日 05:16


Amother anddaughterloved to play around. Theypartiedeveryday and
always ended up fuckingeverybody around. Theirholes were played until
theybecameseasoned andloose. One day, thedaughter met the man of her
dreams anddecided to getmarried. Now, the man did not know about their
flicks and thought thedaughter was still a virgin. So hedecided to leave
anylovemaking until their wedding night. Thedaughter began to worry about
the condition of herhole and consulted hermother, "Mum, I'm worried,what
will Peter do if hefinds out about myhole?!!" Mother said, "Don't worry
dear, I willteach you a way to fool your husband-to-be. Here'swhat you
do, place anapple in yourhole and it will be tight and he won'teven
notice it." So thedaughter didwhat hermothertaught her andeverything
wentwell and the stupid husband didn'teven notice.This went on for a few
months. Now,everytime thedaughter wanted to bathe,she wouldtake out the
apple and place it on the wash basin and after bathing,she wouldput it
back in herhole. One day, after bathing,she forgot toput it back and
left it on the wash basin. The husbandcame into the washroom andsaw the
apple and thought that her wife left theapple forhim and he ate it,
"Honey,thanks for theapple. It tastedgreat!" Shocked, thedaughter dare
not tell her husband about it and went to consult hermother, "Mum, I'm in
deep shitnow! I took out theapplewhile I was bathing and I forgot toput
it back and Peter found theapple I left on the wash basin and ate it! What
sould I do? Will he bepoisoned? I'mscared,mum." Mother said, "Don't
worrydear, a few years ago, yourfather ate the WATERMELON I left in the
washroom and helived!"





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