- 名前
- 杢兵衛
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 48歳
- 住所
- 東京
- 自己紹介
- 悠々自適、風雅な隠居生活
2014年09月07日 18:24
one day a hippygets on a bus full ofnuns. helooks around and see's one
that islookingparticularily good. after hepopped a stiffy he went up to
thenun and said I want to fu**you.Noreplied thenun I am a woman of the
lord i will neversleep with youThe hippy was reallydepressed, but onhis
wayoff the bus the bus drivertoldhim that thenun goes to the church to
prayeverynight atmidnight. all he had to do was get agod mask and tell
her toscrewhim.at exactlymidnight the hippy spotted thenun go into the
church, heput onhis mask and said I amgod fu** me.thenun thenreplied
only in the ass though. the hippy agreed and they got it on for hours.when
they were done the hippy tookoffhis mask and shouted "ha, ha" I'm the
hippy thenun then tookoff her mask and said "ha ha" I'm the bus driver.