


2014年07月20日 04:00

slang is the continual andever-changing use anddefinition ofwords in
informal conversation, oftenusing references as a means ofcomparison or
showing likeness. somemodernslanghas endured over thedecades sinceits
inception (i.e.cool) and some will onlylast a few years beforebeing
rendered obsolete or outdated (i.e. bling bling).slang can be bornfrom
anynumber of situations orideas (thewordslangitselfhas come to
represent selling,especially ofillegal drugs), and can be blunt or
riddled with metaphor, and often quiteprofound. the use ofslang is
frequently ridiculed by culturally-ignorant peoplewho feel it is the
product ofinsufficient education andbelieve itto be
counter-evolutionary; of course, they couldn't be fartherfrom thetruth.
humanlanguagehas been in astate ofconstant reinvention for centuries,
andslanghas been used andcreated by poets andwriters of all sorts
(William Shakespearehas been credited for the upbringing of at least a
couple ofwords). it is the right and responsibility of themodernhuman to
keep re-evaluatinglanguage, to give deadwordsinnovative contemporary
meanings or tosimply invent new ones, inorderto bemoreappealing and
representative to thespeaker/listener (which was essentially the basis
behindlanguage anyway, to understandably communicate thoughts orideas
verbally). the use of andconstantflux inslang is the only exciting thing
happening inlanguage,makingpresent dayespeciallyinteresting with the
wealth of newwords anddefinitions appearing seeminglyeverywhere. those
whospeakill ofslang obviously feel threatened oralienated by the
evolution of alanguage they can't control, and all y'alltrick assmarks
need to stop running yagums 'fore y'allgetsslapped the fuck
up...bitches. peace andmuchlove, the snizz.cool, bling bling,slang, the
conversion of the degenerative "nigger" into theacceptable if not
triumphant "nigga"





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