

Butt 2

2014年07月09日 02:48

Butt 2


1Get a massage. A really intense lymphatic massage to reshape your rear,
combined with an algae wrap to killcellulite and water retention, will
make your buttlook awesome. Or you can ask for Lipomassage,which is a
massagetool withrollers designed tomake your buttlooksleeker.[4]Note:
This will notdirectly affect the size of your butt. It maymake theskin
glow and give the temporaryillusion of tone, but your rear will not get
magicallybigger overnight. If only, right?2Apply butt enhancementcream.
Creams like Glutimax and Flex Mini claim that they cansignificantly
increase your butt size. Keep in mind, these are just claims.Again, the
only thing that can truly affect butt size is exercise and weight
loss/gain. Some people claim that thecreams work, but know that there is
noscience behind it.3Evaluate your surgicaloptions. If your butt is
hopelesslyflat orbony, then talk to a plasticsurgeon about treatments.
Some examples include:The Body-jet system: A doctorperformsliposuction of
fatfrom the hips, stomach and thighs and then injectsthe fat into your
buttwhile you're under alocal anesthetic.Silicone butt implants: A doctor
willput silicone implants under your butt muscles. Just know that these
can be painful, and the surgery carries an infection risk.These are
extreme, expensive,permanentsolutions. Think long and hard before you go
about doing something foreign to your body.





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