- 名前
- 杢兵衛
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 48歳
- 住所
- 東京
- 自己紹介
- 悠々自適、風雅な隠居生活
2014年05月01日 05:38
Letters to Juliet (2010年)
Claire: Dear Claire, "What" and "If" aretwowords as non-threatening aswords can be. Butput them togetherside-by-side and theyhave thepower to haunt you for the rest of yourlife: What if? What if? What if? I don't know how your story ended but ifwhat youfelt then wastrue love, then it's never too late. If it was true then,why wouldn't it be truenow? You need only the courage to follow yourheart. I don't knowwhat alove like Juliet's feels like -love to leaveloved ones for,love tocrossoceans for but I'd liketo believe if Iever were to feel it, that I willhave the courage to seize it. And, Claire, if you didn't, I hopeone day that you will. All mylove, Juliet