


2014年09月08日 15:22


On a Trans-Atlanticflight, aplanepasses through a severe storm. The
turbulence is awful, and things gofrom bad to worsewhen onewing is
struck bylightning. One woman inparticular loses it.Screaming,shestands
up in thefront of theplane. "I'm too young to die!"she wails.Thenshe
yells, "Well, if I'm going to die, I want mylast minutes on Earthto be
memorable! I've had plenty ofsex in mylife, but no onehasevermade me
really feel like a woman! Well I've had it! Is there ANYONE on thisplane
who canmake me feel like a WOMAN??"For a moment there is silence. Everyone
has forgotten their ownperil,and they all stare, riveted, at the desperate
woman in thefront of theplane.Then, a manstands up in the rear of the
plane. "I canmake you feel like a woman," he says. He was gourgeous. Tall,
built, with long,flowing black hair andjet black eyes, he starts to walk
slowly up the aisle,unbuttoninghis shirt one button at atime. No one
moves. The woman isbreathing heavily inanticipation as thestrange man
approaches. He removeshis shirt. Musclesrippleacrosshis chest as he
reaches her, andextends thearm holdinghis shirt to the trembling
woman,andwhispers: "Iron





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