


2014年09月05日 07:30


This is a terrificlittle filmnoir about aninsanely jealous husband,
played byRobert Newton,who discovers thathislovely wife is playing
around with another man. Newton snatches the man andtakeshim to an
abandonedbombshelterwhere heends uplocking the manaway in a room. He
thenchains this other man to the wall, andmakes thechain long enough so
he canmove to andfromhisbed and be able to get to the bathroom and
that's it. Every day Robert Newton,who plays a doctor in this movie,bring
a can ofacid to this room andslowly fills up the bathtubwhere he intends
toeventually murder the philander in.This movie is a wonderfullyrendered
story that displays alogical mind at work, relishing theidea ofwhat he
is going to do, and watchinghis enemy sufferslowly, knowing fullwell
thatone day soon he willhave to die forhis mis-deedsagainsthis sultry
wife. Now the overall mainreason toview thispicture isto be able to
feast one's eyes on thegloriouslylovelySally Gray, a Britishactresswho
to the best of knowledge did not appear invery many films. Her astute and
keenintelligence ispart andparcel of her beauty; this beautiful woman is
head and shoulders above any othercinema blondeactress imho.I highly
recommend this rarely watchedgem to anyoneOf course, the Scotland
Yardinspectorwho is on thecaselooking for themissing man, played
by Phil Brown, is relentless inhispursuit offindinghiswhereabouts. In
the end, theinspectorfinally uncovers thetruthfromthe good doctor,
who, afterhiding this man out for somefive monthsbeginsmaking some
telltalemistakes, and Phil Brown is discovered bythe police in the
abandoned building. There is aneat twist ending to this movieeven though
it is somewhatpredictable. Robert Newton did a splendid job as always with
hischaracter,especiallywhen hegets to play apersonwho is rational on
the outside, and nuttier than a bag ofpeanuts on theinside. Phil Brown
turned in adecentperformance as a manwho had noideawhat was coming
next inhis long imprisonment, and thetaut, tightdirection of the
great Edward Dmytrykmade this suspenserwell worth watching.I highly
recommend this rarely watchedgem to anyonewhohas yet to see it.





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