- 名前
- 杢兵衛
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 48歳
- 住所
- 東京
- 自己紹介
- 悠々自適、風雅な隠居生活
Mads Mikkelsen
2015年10月18日 05:15
is asynonym tothe great success the Danish film industryhas had since
themid-1990s. He was born in Østerbro, Copenhagen, to Bente Christiansen,
a nurse, and Henning Mikkelsen, a banker. Starting out as alow-life
pusher/junkie in the 1996 success Pusher (1996), heslowlygrewto become
one of Denmark'sbiggest movieactors. The success inhis home country
includes Flickering Lights (2000), Shake It (2001) and the Emmy-winning
police series Unit 1 (2000). His successhastakenhim abroadwhere hehas
played alongside Gérard Depardieu in I Am Dina (2002) aswell as in the
Spanish comedy Torremolinos 73 (2003) and the Americanblockbuster King
Arthur (2004).