- 名前
- 杢兵衛
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 48歳
- 住所
- 東京
- 自己紹介
- 悠々自適、風雅な隠居生活
2016年04月25日 06:39
I used to go to Pfaff's nearlyevery night. . . after taking a bath and
finishing the work of theday. When it began togrow dark, Pfaff would
politely inviteeverybodywho happenedto be sitting in thecave he had
under thesidewalk to some otherpart of the restaurant. There was a long
tableextending the length of thiscave; and as soon as the Bohemiansput
in an appearance, Henry Clapp wouldtake a seat at thehead of the table. I
think there was as good talk around that table as took place anywhere in
the world. Clapp was avery witty man.—from aninterview with Walt Whitman,
July II, 1866, The Brooklyn Eagle.