

mouth full

2015年08月10日 08:14

mouth full

There were threedaughters and they all wanted to getmarried but they
couldn't afford it and neither could thereparents. So theparents said "We
will give you all a joint wedding and then you will all be able to get
married". So they gotmarried and all threedaughters then said "I want a
honeymoon but we cant afford it". Theparents couldn't afford it either so
they deiced they wouldhave the honeymoon at theirparentshouse. So on
there honeymoon night theirmother woke up and deiced to go downstairs and
get a drink. On the way downshe heard thefirstdaughterscreaming butshe
juts ignored it. Whenshereached theseconddaughtersbedroomshe could
hear laughing and just ignored it. Whenshereached the thirddaughters
roomshe could hearnothing and deiced 2 ignore it. Thenext morning at the
breakfast tableshe said to thefirstdaughter "Why were youscreaming?".
And thedaughterreplied "Wellmother youtold me 2screamwhen something
hurt." Then themother said to theseconddaughter "Why were you laughing
last night?" and thedaughterreplied "Mother youtold me to laughwhen
something tickled". Then themother said to thelastdaughter "Why didn't I
hearanything comingfrom your roomlast night?" and thedaughterreplied
"Wellmother youtold me never to talk with my mouth full".





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