- 名前
- lll_fmds_lll
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 51歳
- 住所
- 東京
- 自己紹介
- 東京都在住のクリエィターで、SONARとACIDを使用している。好きなジャンルは美メ...
about strap-on dildo
2008年01月01日 00:34
Astrap-on dildo (alsostrap-on, dildo harness) is a dildo designedto be worn (usually in a harness) by onepartner and used topenetrate anotherpartner vaginally, anally or orally, used byboth heterosexual and homosexual couples.
For a woman, astrap-on can be used to anallypenetrate a man (pegging), for vaginal or anal lesbianintercourse, or for artificial fellatio.
For a man, astrap-on can be worn forpenetrativesex, and may be used incases oferectile dysfunction, fordoublepenetration, or topenetrate multiplepartners. A wide variety of harnesses and dildos are available, withdifferent ways offitting the wearer, attaching the dildos, stimulating the wearer or thereceiver, and all withdifferent features,advantages, anddrawbacks forbothusers.