- 名前
- ジン
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 56歳
- 住所
- 埼玉
- 自己紹介
- 会社と自宅の往復だけでこのトシになると感動することがないですね。 ってわけで登録です...
Talk of the devil
2012年02月03日 23:51
and he will appear,someone claimed that.
And reallytoday hadbecome as such aday.
Overtime working hadbecome to almostmidnight job.
Theproducts hadmuch ofdefectedpoints rather than we imagined.
I had topreparefeedback report to vendorwhich lies in some
south eastern country.
Of course it hadbecome a daily routinenow to me to send
reports in English.
Even if they were poorly written ones, but toboth of us it 's important
to communicateasap.
By doing so, we can build up good relationships with not only
engineers butalso staffs.
---to kaite murutest.