- 名前
- ジン
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 56歳
- 住所
- 埼玉
- 自己紹介
- 会社と自宅の往復だけでこのトシになると感動することがないですね。 ってわけで登録です...
2012年10月23日 22:38
this posting ofcnn. MyMinions posted these comments.
Are they real story? Copiedfrom below.
A town in Canton isnow on trendmakingbabyherbal soup to increase health andsexual
performance/stamina. Thecost of the fetus soup in China currency is
approximately $ 4000 (around RMB 2000).
Afactorymanager wasinterviewed and hetestified that it iseffective
because hehave tried and is afrequent customer. It is adelicacy
whereby expensiveherbs areadded to boil thebaby withchicken meat for
8 hours boiling/steaming. He wasinterviewed withhissecond andvery
young wife,who is only 19while he isnow 62. Hetestifies the potency
of the fetus soup and he was able tomakelove withhis wifeeveryday.
"Spare rib soup"local code for fetus soup isbeing served tolocal
restaurants in Canton. Couplewho would like to abort their babies,
could just go to theselocal restaurants and sell the abortedbaby for
2,000RMB (China currency). Theselocal restaurantsalsoaccepts
placentas for several hundreds if couples do not want to sell their
babies. It isvery disturbing to mention thatmost fetus served
in theselocal restaurants arefemale babies. This is due tothe fact
thatmajority of Chineseprefers tohavemale babies and those poorer
families usually end up selling theirfemale babies.
It is reported that during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese
businessman, a servant Ms Liufrom Liaoningprovince on the mainland
inadvertentlyrevealed thehabit ofeating infants/fetuses in Liaoning
province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health
concerns. The Taiwanese womenpresent were horrified.Ms Liualso
disclosed thateven though people can afford thehumanparts there are
still waiting lists and those with the right connections get the
“highest quality”humanparts,whichtranslates to themore mature
fetuses. Amale fetus is considered the “prime”humanpart.
Ms Liu then escorted the reporter to alocationwhere a fetus wasbeing
prepared. A woman was chopping up amale fetus andmaking soupfrom the
placenta. During theprocess, the womaneven tried to comforteveryone
by saying, “Don’t beafraid, this is just theflesh of a higheranimal.”
In fact, in China, reports about mealsmadefrom infantfleshhave
surfacedfromtime totime. A video is on the Internet for people to
view. In theintroduction, the Chinese claim thateating ahuman fetus
is an art form. Police in Bingyan, Guangxi Province seized 28female babies smuggled in
a truckfrom Yulin, Guangxi Province going to Houzhou in Anhui
Province. Theoldestbaby was only three monthsold. The babies were
packed three or four to a bag and many of them were neardeath.
On the morning of Octobe 23, 2011, aperson rifling through thegarbage on
the outskirts of Jiuquancity in the Suzhou region, found dismembered
babies in adumpster. There weretwoheads,two torsos, fourarms, and
six legs. According to the investigation, these corpses were nomore
than a weekold and they had been dismembered aftercooking.
Although Chinahas laws thatprohibit theeating ofhuman fetus, the regime’s
forced abortions to ensure the one childpolicy isstrictly adhered to
therebycreating many opportunities for these sorts of atrocities to