


2012年08月14日 22:57

Takeshimaissure, I agreedstrongly Mr C2300's posting.
So I'll keep it as follows.

History isperspectivebased on facts. You just needto beopen mindedwhen youlook
at things. Peoplewho wantto believe Obama is a Kenyan Muslim willbelieve so
regardless of facts.

Korea could not sustainits own independence then - it was a matter of China, Russia,
or Japan that wouldhaveeventually took control of thepeninsula. Japan didn't just
invade out ofbarbaricact, they hadvery goodreasons to do so. All of Asia were
colonized by Europeans, and Russo-Japanese War was fought to repel Russian control
over Korea. Only through Sino-Japanese War, Japandemanded China toacknowledge
Korea'scomplete independence, in hopes that Korea would collaborate with Japan to
modernize to repel European aggression. Yes, Japan was thenationdirectly responsible
for Korea to gain independence. Read up on Treaty of Maguan/Treaty of Shimonoseki if
you don'tbelieve me.

Japan hadits own ambition, and rebels were oftenbrutally cracked down. But you can't
judgewhat happened back thenbased ontoday's values. Back then,nations were
competing -nationalborders weredrawn, and redrawn. It was duringwhen Native
Americans weren't given Americancitizenship. Blacks were treated likeanimals.
Japan gave all Koreans Japanesecitizenship, built infrastructure,provided medical
technology, education, andmodernized people. Koreanstoday arescared toannex
North Koreabecause ofitseconomic implications, but Japan invested trillions ofdollars
(intoday's terms) into Korea. Imperial families onbothsidesmarriedeach other.
Koreans were able to run for Japanese government, and many did so.

Unfortunately, the Korean government is retaliating the so called, "Pro-Japanese
Collaborators," and their children arebeing oppressedtoday. Once their ancestors are
identified aspro-Japanese, the government can legally confiscate thelandsfrom their
offspring. No, I'm not talking about North Korea, this is South Korea. And this is 2012.

So, it's allperspective. Victors write thehistory. And just tomake this clear - Korea is
not avictor. You saideveryone hates Japanese. That,again, is contrary tothe fact.
Taiwan was colonized by Japan, but they are one ofthe mostpro-Japanese countries in
the world. Koreans hate Japanesebecause they want to. Because they choose to.
Because they'reinsecure. Because they feel inferior to the Japanese.
Japan is consistently rankedtopamong thenations withthe most positive influence to
the world. So check your facts, and answer this question in the meantime:
Name onefriend of Korea.

Again, Korea was too weak and backward to sustain independence in theearly 1900's.
It was either China, Russia, or Japanwho wouldhave tookover. And needless to say,
it was the United States and Russiawhoeventually took over.





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