- 名前
- Jay
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 43歳
- 住所
- 岐阜
- 自己紹介
- メールが来るといいけどプロフィルを読んでいるかなって困っています。タイトルに「黒人さ...
Today's entry is in English!
2023年11月19日 06:29
So it's already November 19th! Time reallydoesfly. The year is almost over, and Ihaveaccomplished none of thegoals Iset for myself. I stillhavefive or six weeks to go, but I feel like Iwasted this year. It kinda sucks. I'm new to this site and it is hard tomakefriends, but I'll keep tryingbecause there is nopoint inwhining.
There is stilltime tomake this year a good year. Beingnegative won't help so Ibetter startbeing alittlemore positive. There are stillfive or six weeks left, so Ihave plenty oftime.
I hope that youguyshave agreat Sunday.It'scold outsidetoday, try to staywarm!!