

English this time

2013年09月08日 01:40

So,because my Japanese is so terrible, I will write in English. Many askwhy I am on this website. Why is a foreigner here poking around? Don`t you alreadyhave something tooffer? My answer is this. Ihave plenty tooffer, but I cannotoffer itbecause I ammarried. I do not want to divorce my wife. She is a good woman. For somereason,shedoes not enjoysex. I don`t understandwhy. How can aperson go for several months with nosex and not be horny? Anyway, that`swhy i`m here on this site. The englishlanguage sites are too restrictive and too few women are on there. I`mlooking forsecretfun like many of the women here. That is all. I don`thavetime or opportunity to go toclubs andnampa. There are too many questionswhen you just talk tosomeone new. Here youhave the bonus of knowing things aboutwhat aperson isinterested in before you meet. There`s less embarrassment this way. You exchange mail, and maybeeven meet. But before you do, youhave a goodidea ofwhat is going on. I just want toapologize for my lack oflanguage writingskills. I assure you, Ispeak Japanese relativelywell. Writing on the other handhasprovento be quite a challenge. Please feelfree to usetranslationsoftware, as I do regularly.





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