- 名前
- あんたれす
- 性別
- ♂
- 年齢
- 47歳
- 住所
- 北海道
- 自己紹介
- 2008年5月23日髪の毛伐採してきたので画像かえてみたw 煙草は赤マル。 ガンオタ...
No.269.Truth named oneself
2010年06月14日 16:59
Sunlight into muggy afternoon
Beastroar the end ofthe world
Boilingblood aswell as show truecolors a fullmoon
Faint agitation totime Violentdesire to unusual
Was inheart the Earth Was ingreed the Sun Was in letdown the Milky Way
Mechanically delusion Mineralsaction
Rain itrains incessantlysoaked into thedryground
Soul waspreserved in forwalin Always it’s in the forefront loser
Thousands shine Flash of hundreds
Asmile ofmore than hundreds of millions Infinite affection
Thelifewhich burns vigorouslythe stars tohang up
Samsararevolved thesurroundings in theinterval atthe time
The origin of alife the end of thejourney to follow
Wisdom to stir up andsurvive
The beliefwhich the willnamed theheart filled in themystery determined is kept in mind