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Ture love
2016年05月03日 02:39
. Peoplefrequentlyfall inlove, but how can they know if it’strue love or something less (fleetingattraction, infatuation, a short-termromance)? If you’re wonderingwhatcharacterizestrue love, consider thesepoints:
1. You’ve stopped wondering if there’ssomeonebetter out there foryou. If you’ve been searching for your soul mate for a longtime, you knowwhen it’stime to stoplooking.
2. There’s only oneperson you want toflirt with. Singles are used toflirting,subtly or overtly, butnow you’reinterested incharming only yourpartner.
3. You do things tobringhappiness to yourpartner, without expecting something in return. The onlymotivation to give isbecause you want to enrich yourpartner’slife.
4. You trust the otherperson with yourmost vulnerablesecrets. It’s not easyto becompletelytransparent, buttrue love gives you the courage and safetyto be real.
5. You areexcellent collaborators. Trueloveleadstwo people to work together as teammates andpartners inthe most important aspects oflife.
6. Thejoys far outweigh thestruggles. No relationship is withoutproblems, buttrue lovebrings manymore highs thanlows.
7. You don’t feel the need tochange the otherperson. Youaccept yourpartner as he orshe is,while encouraginggrowth and development.
8. Yourpartnerinspires you towardgreatness. The bestlovers know how tospureach other onward and upward.
9. You sailed through the infatuation stage and are goingstrong. Theearly stages ofromance can be misleading, with all the superchargedemotions, buttrue lovegrowsdeepereven as infatuation fades.
10. You’ve overcome obstacles. Love must betested byadversity to know if it’s sturdy enough tolast over the long haul.
11. Laughter comes easily and often. Abundant humor is asign thattwo peopleshare asimilarperspective onlife and feel thefreedomto be silly together.
12. You don’t feel the need tohide your quirks andoddhabits. Whensomeoneloves you forwho you truly are, you don’thave topretend in any way.
13. You negotiate withwin-win as thegoal. Life is full ofcompromises, andtrue lovers seeksolutions thatsatisfyboth of them.
14. You think aboutgrowingold together andsmile at the thought. Looking ahead can sometimes befrightening, but there’snothing you can’t handle with yourtrue love byyour side.
15. You feel blessedeveryday. Deep-down gratitude for yourlover—and your good fortune athaving foundeach other—continuallybrightens yourlife.
How do you describetrue love?