

About Digicafe

What is Digicafe site?

Digicafe more than 100,000-member community site is a matching large opening 10 years already.
Because Japan has been targeted, you can find a mate in the distance you want in your neighborhood.
Registration with the entrance fee you again, etc. We do not take any annual fee.
The matching system※ is available so we introduced a point system, using this site you can take your own pace at a low cost.

※ The women can receive free use of essentially all the matching system. Premium membership available (Optional) Only pay.

※ matching system
the matching system means a system using a system to bridge the connections between individuals Digicafe.
Be the subject of a matching system to send and receive message at this site will be the content of 2-shot real-time chat.

Digicafe attractive is it?

Attractive features of the diary and come Digicafe (Digilog).
Who have registered will be able to read and write a diary everyone. Course fees will not occur.
View Profile Unlike simple diary so people could not ooze, you can find the ideal partner for your deeper faster.

And other sites where different communities?

The biggest difference with other popular community sites Digicafe is also fully supports the new encounter between the sexes.
Business as for the "Save Project Heterosexual Internet" because it is accompanied by a service that, under age 18 who basically are not taking advantage of Digicafe.
On the other hand, the general community site used for the purpose of meeting with a woman instead can be used in persons under the age of 18 are prohibited.

In Digicafe what else can?

The journal features besides Digicafe packed with features that are useful and interesting.

Character training function

One person on earth when you registered to Digicafe "DigiChara" character that is set. First went the egg cracked and gradually take on the state of the egg using the site, as has been born with a certain time is reached. The value DigiChara experience (EXP), money (MON), which provides the status and level, has the character to grow in numbers reservoir available at both sites. The innovative features will become more convenient and reasonable access to our site to grow as a character.

2-shot real-time chat

In proprietary systems using Macromedia FLASH, you can share the time with just two people feel as though messenger. Use of the GET Macromedia FLASH chat requires the latest version of FLASH Player. Live chat camera, etc. The difference is not required.


One of the attractions of this Digicafe "UraDigi" will include the system. VIP-only content and UraDigi is for those seeking a more adult encounters. In a conversation on a sentence for a sexually Digicafe are not permitted. "UraDigi" which does allow such representation, so that only I also want to meet such users can also enjoy free conversations without the use of the forbidden tree.


  • 新規会員登録(無料)




  • 友達百人できるかな




  • こんなにコンテンツが充実してるサイトは無いです。




  • モテ気分



    日頃普通に仕事と家の往復だと、特に不満はないけどどちらかというと非リア充。 きっかけは忘れたけ...

  • 結構会えます



    自分はアラフィフなので、あまり期待もせずに登録。 けど以外にやり取りが続いて、結構会えます。 ...

  • ポジティプに



    他より女性が活発な感じで、とてもやりやすく感じています。 ここでなら出会いが見つかる気がするの...